Litecoin Space just launched

The Litecoin Foundation is proud to announce the launch of Litecoin Space: a modern Litecoin block explorer with focus on mempool visualization and an extensive developer API.

Inspired by Bitcoin’s long-standing ‘’, Litecoin Space will become a resource and tool for many. Or, as the Litecoin’s Foundation’s lead developer, Loshan, put it: “Litecoin Space is your gateway to exploring Litecoin’s Blockchain”!

“Developers building on the Litecoin network needed a reliable, fast and expansive API. We (the Litecoin Foundation) also wanted to build a destination for a mempool visualizer and advanced Litecoin block explorer”, Loshan said, explaining the significance, objective and desired function of Litecoin Space as a resource. You can check it out here:

What’s a block explorer?

Simply put, a block explorer is a website allowing anyone to search the Litecoin blockchain – and transactions on the network - with ease. You may want to view the transaction history of a particular Litecoin address. This can all be done easily with a block explorer.

So, what makes Litecoin Space special?

Most explorers don’t properly support mempool (unconfirmed) transactions. Or, if they do, the available data is very minimal. Litecoin Space specializes in mempool analysis, with the ability to audit if your transactions are being censored by miners, find the cheapest fees (hopefully near zero), and explore historical trends.

Other incredible insights and data available on the Litecoin Space explorer:
- Historical records for the Litecoin blockchain, dating back to 2013. The most comprehensive record-keeping of Litecoin transactions; which we hope to continue to improve and go back even further into Litecoin’s transaction history;
- Valuable analytics, including: current and past hashrates, mining pool dominance, as well as the most comprehensive dataset of historical block sizes, fees and historical transactions (txs)
- And plenty more to come as we extend Litecoin Space explorer from mainnet, to Lightning, MWEB and more.

Development, and developer benefits, of Litecoin Space

Developers building on top of Litecoin often require a method of analyzing the blockchain. It could be for something as simple as querying if coins at a specific address have been spent; or to build more complex features, such as that used by Litecoin Ordinals. In fact, we’ve given some developers building ordinal compatible wallets and marketplaces early access to Litecoin Space. So look out for exciting developments!

We’re also looking to add support for MWEB transactions, OmniLite assets and ordinal inscriptions. As an open source project, we would be happy to receive any help interested developers. So please, get in touch if that's you:

Making Litecoin’s ecosystem even more accessible.

Litecoin Space’s explorer is also open source. This means all the code is available for anyone to see and build upon. For more curious and ‘advanced’ users, we even encourage you to host a local version of Litecoin Explorer yourself. Our hope is that mobile wallet developers also add support for connecting user wallets with locally hosted block explorers, helping to significantly enhance user privacy. If you’re interested, the source code can be found here:

In the near future we plan to make it easier for even the most non-technical person to host a local Litecoin Space explorer with the click of a button - so stay tuned!

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